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The essential moving guide

There’s no doubt that moving homes can be an exhausting task to tackle. That’s why we’ve broken down the process into a handy guide with helpful tips to follow before, during and after you move.

Moving soon? We’ve created a helpful guide on everything you should do before, during and after you move.

From packing your belongings to calling your utility providers, here’s everything you need to put on your moving to-do list.

How to plan a move

Moving to a new home can be exhausting. It’s not a task that is done in one day, it’s a process that requires a level of organization. From packing up your items to transferring utility services, there’s a lot to consider before settling into your new house or apartment. That’s why we’ve created a moving checklist to help you plan your move.

Moving tips that save time and money

Learn helpful time-and-money-saving tips for moving near or far. On moving day, learn what you need to know to cut your total time and cost of moving.

Transferring utilities: What you need to know

Helpful tips for cancelling, transferring, and starting new utility services when you move. From electric and water to internet and tv, stay on top of the services you need at your new home.

What everyone should do immediately after a move

Get helpful tips for things to do after you move into your new home, from unpacking to setting up internet & wifi to changing your address. Use our after-you-move checklist to make your move end smoothly.

Iris White Circle

The visual guide to moving [Infographic]

The visual guide to moving

We’ve compiled top moving tips and checklists into a fun, easy-to-read infographic to help make your next move as easy as possible.